I sold my first platinum package for $3999. I used to charge $149 for this package.

I loved working with Zahra. I met her at the perfect time, and we were a perfect fit. I went to our four hours ‘Private Abundant Business Retreat,’ day with an open mind and excitement because I felt stuck in my business. Overworked and underpaid, I was ready to move forward.

Zahra helped me realize how much I was undervaluing what I do and that I am an expert! Her approach to getting me to clarity was exactly what I needed and removed a huge obstacle I didn’t even know I had in my way.

I work 35% less, and she was able to show me where I should be spending my time to start generating income immediately. Everything we went over in our ‘Private Abundant Business Retreat,’ day felt exactly right and I know that’s the stuff that leads you to your success.

After having a business and a money private retreat day, I signed up to work with Zahra in her one year platinum program and I am so happy to share that I have sold several platinum packages for $3999 since our work together. I used to charge $149 for these packages. The increase in income, my confidence level and my beliefs about what I am worth completely shifted after I sold this package.

I would say that if you feel stuck in your business, not sure what to do next, feel overworked and underpaid it’s time to get help. We can waste so much time trying to do it on our own and get discouraged, which only feeds our insecurities. Zahra helped me in ways I didn’t even expect and that’s part of the magic—you just don’t know where your blocks are that are holding you back. Letting Zahra help you find them and overcome them will not only help you in your business, but in life.

Caroline Harrison

BCRPA Fitness Leader, Weight Trainer, Personal Trainer, Weight Loss Boss, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, NNCP

I wanted to build my dream business, but didn’t know where to start or how to go about doing this on my own. That’s why it was such a blessing that I met Zahra Efan. I hired her to be my coach and guide right away. During our Money Breakthrough Method, we worked on topics such as savings and spending habits, raising my income “set point”, and other money-related matters. We also looked at more personal and deeper issues that I learned were blocking my ability to push forward, one of the biggest being the idea of forgiveness- of myself and of others.

After participating in the forgiveness exercises during the Money VIP Day with Zahra, I was able to release past wounds that were keeping me from stepping into my power. With the help of Zahra’s insights, I learned that I needed to uncover old beliefs and identities that I constructed when I was growing up, beliefs about who I am and my value in the world. I had been showing up in a way that was incongruent with my true nature, and as a result, the potential for being on purpose and creating wealth was blocked.

Zahra recognized how my working through these issues would free me to move ahead towards my goals. She was also able to provide me with clear and tangible steps to pursue my dreams and make these dreams come true. As a result of Zahra’s coaching, I surpassed my income goal for the month which gave me the confidence to increase my income goal for next month. And now, I know that I am well on my way to achieving my BOLD income goal for the coming year.

I highly recommend coaching with Zahra. She allows you to learn who you really are, and gives you permission to use your whole self- heart and soul- in your work. When working with Zahra, you will see that the changes that come about in your life are not just about improvements in financial abundance, but also an emotional and spiritual abundance as well. Zahra doesn’t just teach you how to make more money, she teaches you how to achieve an all-encompassing sense of success. Working with Zahra proved to be a life altering investment that was worth every penny and more!

Rosalyn Cua

Intuitive Healer, San Francisco, CA deniseshelter.com

I’ve learned so much about abundance from you, Zahra! Your guidance is a wonderful blend of being inspiring, provocative and vulnerable all at the same time. I have learned some new

habits, gotten new perspectives in my thinking about myself, and brought new energy to my relationship with abundance. You are such a gracious, gentle and supportive teacher, and a wonderful example that the rest of us can follow in our own journey towards true abundance! “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” — and your message resonated with me so much that you must be the teacher I am ready for…I’m sure of it!

Terri Zwierzynski

CEO, North Carolina, solo-e.com

I was skeptical to hire another coach, working with Zahra helped me restore my trust in coaching.

Before I started working with Zahra, I thought I had to go to a coaching school and get training which I did.

I invested a lot of money with no return on investment until I met Zahra. When I listened to Zahra’ s free videos in which she shared that women know enough, but hesitate to own their expert status and feel they need more training, I realized I was ready to coach and help women, but I didn’t I gave myself credit for it. All the marketing, I invested in prior to working with Zahra, gave me marketing advice without helping me get clear on my message. I was so disappointed having invested money and not getting results that I was skeptical to hire another coach.

Zahra pointed out to me that I had to get clear on my message before investing in marketing or the fancy ways of marketing. Very skillfully, she helped me get clear on my message and I couldn’t believe it how close it was. Why didn’t anyone do that first before telling me to market using social media, website, you name it.

After we started working together, I was still approached by people, some of them suggesting that $18,000 dollar website will bring the business success I longed for. Zahra continued to bring me back to basics and suggested I market using the least amount of time and energy as well as money. She helped me get clear on my message and create a high value package to represent to the clients who were hungry to pay for the results I provide.

I am so glad to say that I have changed my family patterns and belief systems by charging 100 times more than I ever have in my life. As an entrepreneur with a mission, it is possible to make abundance of income in my business doing the transformational work that changes lives. What a great example for coming generations to follow as I was raised to believe that men took care of money. I have busted all beliefs.

I am someone who started from the scratch, I didn’t have any of previous contacts as my community still thought of divorce as a taboo and so many of them judged what I do. Zahra helped me find clients literally from the scratch.

Most importantly I have learnt how to sell by following a process that doesn’t feel like selling, instead it feels like helping women reach their dreams so that they can find happiness and purpose at the end of divorce and see divorce as a catalyst for change in their lives and also the lives of their children.

If you are looking to hire a good coach who get results without investing tons of time and energy running in circles, please don’t waste your time and work with Zahra.

Nina Thiara

Divorce Coach, Vancouver, BC Divorcetohappiness.ca

To Your Abundant Success,

Zahra Efan
Abundant Business Coach & Money Breakthrough Specialist
Supporting Heart Centered Women Entrepreneurs Create Financial Breakthroughs

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